How to Convert Blurred Image to High Quality in Android App & How to convert blurry photo into a clear picture using an android smartphone using your smartphone? You can easily fix a blurred photo into a clear picture easily by following the simple steps. To convert any low-quality or blurry photo to HD photo was impossible in the last years due to lack of technology but nowadays Artificial Intelligence Technology has played a major role in the latest technology improvement.

How to Convert Blurred Image to High Quality in Android App
An Android app called Remini that has Artificial Intelligence to detect human faces in a blurry picture will fix that blurred image into a high quality picture, This app will detect human eyes faces ears lips skin, and hairs and it will add quality in these parts using its artificially intelligence algorithm automatically, also sometimes it replaces the retina and some other parts in the faces in a picture to enhance the picture quality.
How to fix blurry photo on Android App?
Here is the simple method to fix any blurred photo into a full hd quality piture using remini app, Just click he download button or Download link which is provided in the article below and install it in your android smartphone and upload your blurry photo and the app will fix and enhance your low quality image to super quality detailed photo.

Fix Blurry image on Android App
Total Time: 5 minutes
1. Download and install Remini App

Link given below
2. Open Remini App and Click Enhance Tap

The photos of your gallery shows here.
3. Select and upload your blurred image

select your low quality image and click right symbol that will upload into app server.
4. Earn Reaward on App

Anyway the app is always free and yoou will get 10 trials free every day but toenhance your photo you have to watch the ads inside of the app until the timer complete by this method the you can use your daly 10 trials to edit your pictures.
5. Download your Enhanced And Blurry fixed image

Now wait few seconds the enhanced picture will dowload from the app server and you can save into your enhanced blurry fixed image into gallery.
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Also Read this latest article on How to fix blurry images using ai in 2025.